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Dr. Muñiz is a Fellow (formerly Senior Associate) at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. He is also one of the promoters of the Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship (PETR), which was created in July of 2017 after the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (WCFIA) was transfered to the Kennedy School of Government. Working in close cooperation with the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies and the WCFIA, the TRI endeavours to strengthen research and teaching on transatlantic issues within the University, focusing on European, North American and Latin American social, economic, political, security, and environmental issues that are of particular relevance to the transatlantic relationship.




Pierre Keller Visiting Professorship: Every year a prominent European academic or personality distinguished in the field of transatlantic relations or European affairs is selected by the Transatlantic Relations Initiative to teach a semester-long course jointly listed at the Harvard Kennedy School and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Government. To date, the following individuals have been appointed to this professorship: Dominique Moisi (Natolin/Paris), Markus Jachtenfuchs (Berlin), Michael Landesmann (Linz/Vienna), Jacques Mistral (Paris), Henrik Enderlein (Berlin), Michelle Cini (Bristol), Pawel Karolewski (Wroclaw),  Loukas Tsoukalis (Athens),  and José Maria Beneyto (Madrid, for 2017).


Student Travel Grants: The Program on Transatlantic Relations provides every year a travel grant to a Harvard student to do research in Europe.


Transatlantic Conference: An annual conference – now celebrating more than a quarter century of tradition – that the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Weatherhead Center organized in Talloires, France, and that from 2018 onwards will take place in Spain and in France. This conference brings together members of the Harvard community and experts on issues of global affairs of particular importance to the politics, security and economics of the US-European relationship.


Transatlantic Relations Seminar: A series of meetigns housed at the Kennedy School and the WCFIA to benefit the Harvard community on political, economic, and security issues of transatlantic relations, which features the participation of experts from Europe and the United States.


Workshop in Global Leadership: A one week-long workshop on global affairs organised with the support of the Rafael del Pino Foundation (Madrid) for the last five years (2014-2018). It takes place every September at Harvard and brings together 30 senior Spanish academics and practitioners with Harvard faculty. It will be repeated in 2019 along with a second workshop on international civil society.



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